Individual Counselling
Couple Counselling
Family Counselling
In family counselling, variety of issues can be considered. Issues such as free choice, self growth, self determination, personal fulfilment, family relationship patterns, inter generational heritage, ongoing-repetitive probable maintenance factors, dysfunctional and destructive family games and alliances, communication and language patterns among others.
Anger Management

Face to Face Counselling
Internet Counselling
Telephone Counselling
Email & Letter Counselling
What is counselling?
Why come to counselling?
Who comes to counselling?

What is counselling supervision?
Counselling supervision is provided support, protect, resource and enhance counsellors and psychotherapists in their professional practice of counselling. The supervision also aims to ultimately protect and benefit the clients. Supervision aims to establish and enhance awareness and critical reflections in the counselling and psychotherapeutic work of the counsellor as well as apply theoretical knowledge and skills into practice. Also critical to supervision is the ethical decision-making and achievement of beneficence, non-maleficence to clients.